Protect Pets Too

Pets Are Fam-v1.2.gif

One of my favorite partnerships, to date has been working with Urban Resource Institute's People and Animals Living Safely (PALS) program.

Were you aware that as many as 48% of domestic violence victims stay in abusive situations because they fear what would happen if they left their pets behind? That whole sentence is an actual fact that I learned while working on this project.

Though wrangling the pets for these shoots made me giggle and smile, editing the videos moved me to tears from the moment I laid down the music bed.


Leverage digital and social media to drive awarenesses to People and Animals Living Safely (PALS), a program committed to protecting the hidden victim of domestic violence—pets.


Project Credits
Partner // Urban Resource Institute
Program // People and Animals Living Safely
Creative Collective //
Campaign #ProtectPetsToo
Michael Leedy // Production Lead • Music Editor • Video Editor
Jason Syptak // Lead Strategist • Photographer
Social // InstagramFacebookTwitter


Video Post Excerpts


Protect Pets Too

Pets promote healing, especially for victims of domestic violence.

The presence of a pet is important for the well-being of people under extreme stress, which is why our People and Animals Living Safely (PALS) program allows victims and their pets to stay together when escaping abuse.


Safety Tips for Seeking Shelter

When it comes to pets and domestic violence, it's important to be prepared when seeking shelter with your pet.

Victims of domestic violence can plan a safe escape with their pets using these four safety tips.


National Pet Month

National Pet Month is a time for us to give pets a voice, especially when they're the hidden victim of domestic violence.

Escaping abuse with a pet is possible with our co-living shelters. In order to be safely welcomed into shelter, pets are required by regulatory officials to undergo comprehensive assessment.


National Pet Month

Many people don't realize that pets are the hidden victim of domestic violence.

Throughout #NationalPetMonth, support victims like Kaia and her owner. $25 provides emergency transportation for those fleeing domestic violence.


Co-Living Shelters

Many people don't realize that pets are the hidden victim of domestic violence.

Throughout National Pet Month, support domestic violence survivors like Veydha and her owner. $50 provides a comfy crate and enrichment training while residing in our co-living shelters.